Sonntag, 29. März 2015

Now I proudly present my AS Media opening sequence 
The Following

Montag, 23. März 2015

Evaluation 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

(slight changes in the full evaluation)

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

(There are slight changes in the full Evaluation post)

Evaluation 5

How did you attract/address your audience?


Evaluation 4

Who would be the audience for your media product ? 


Evaluation 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

Discuss the ways in which your film is similar to a real film of the thriller genre.

I think our thriller movie is similar to a real one in the following points.
our opening sequence low angle shot
We have used typical shots for a thriller movie for example the high and low angle shots of victim and criminal to illustrate the relationship of power between them. 
These shots are used quite common in a modern thriller movie and we used them as well.                                              

Inglorious Basterds Low angle shot

In the example with Inglorious Basterds you can see the effect of a low angle shot it creates the feeling that the person is superior. 

Generally i would say  that the shots we have used are often seen in thriller movies for example the Establishing shot at the beginning to give the audience an idea where they are is often seen in thriller movies. 
The first picture is at the beginning of panic room it shows an establishing shot to show the audience where they are.

The second picture is in our opening sequence and its shown at the beginning as well to show where the scene is shot.

An other similarity is that our stroyline.
I think its not particularly common but its still quite obvious that it is a thriller movie but its nearly to a horror movie in my opinion. 

A little similarity is that we have used the for a thriller movie typical prop e.g knifes, tape, sledge etc 

The last one I think is the strong characteristic of different stereotypes, its quite common in a thriller to represent different stereotypes in a strong way.
I think there is a wide range between the two characters one of them look very wealthy with his suit and tie and his massive house and the other one is walking around in trackys and a jumper he looks kinda poor out of the lower middle class.

Another Convention is that i have used typical sound for my opening sequence. 
I used Non-Diagetic sound which is really common in the thriller movie business because it creates tension and gives the audience a clue what could happen next and how they should fell. 

In what ways does your film challenge and/or manipulate characters of a real thriller film. 

 We challenged a real thriller movie in the way that we focused more on the violence to create a unpleasant felling for the audience.
If you compare that to a real thriller they are more commonly focused on the storyline to create tension and feelings.

It can be argued that i have challenged the conventions of trailers showing crime thrillers set in urban locations such as Taken which is set in an French city (Paris) compared to mine which is in an English suburban neighbourhood. 

The last way in which we have challenged a real thriller movie is that our actor's are much younger than usually. 
The victim is still a child and that is not shown to often in a real thriller move because the society doesn't like to see if something like that happens to a child.

How you can See in the picture above is the victim really young and with all the torture that happens to him and the blood all over his face it creates a new level of horror and tension i think.

In Conclusion it is to say that our thriller movie has many features of a real thriller movie, e.g the shots we have used, the storyline and the props used to produce it.
However there are quite a few differences as well e.g the location, the age of the actor's and the level of violence shown.

Producing the Evaluation question 3

What Kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why

What production company would want to distribute your film? Think of other thriller films which are similar to your own. What company was behind the production and distribution of it? Why would they want to back your film? 

For the thrid question i decided to do some sort of podcarst. 
I did a few case studies about different digital distribution institutions. 
For example: Miramax and YouTube. 

The recordings are a mix of trailers, clips of different webpages and clips were I was recording myself.

I really liked working on that question because it was interessting to research the different institutions which actually could distribute our opening sequence,
but on the other hand it was very hard to actually find realistic distribution platforms because in the end we only produced a 2 minute long opening sequence and it would be hard to actually find somebody who would distribute that. 

However I think i found quite a few good distribution platforms.
Which I'am going to represent you in the actuall question


Producing the Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your audiene

Discuss your audience research (i.e questionnaire, interviews, etc) and how it helped you create a film which would appeal to your target audience. What elements of your film would attract your audience? For example: type of plot, suspense, action, drama, actors, music, location etc.

For this question I did 4 interviews with people in the range of our target audience of 18-24 year old males. 
First of all i added all the interviews into one timeline in Imovie after that i added my own comments.

It was interesting to see that the most of the people liked the same features of the opening sequence e.g the violence and the music

Montag, 16. März 2015

Producing the Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel have you learnt in the progression from it to the full product ? 

How did the preliminary task prepare you for the creation of your film? What did you learn abou the equitment, software and from the creative process? How did your Knowledge affect your perception of the main task? Were you excited? Uncertain ? Do you feel the preliminary task was beneficial in preperation for the shot film? 

 For the production of that question I decided to film and record myself, it is in a sort of Vlog stlye. 

 I recorded myself with the integrated facetime HD camera In my MacBook Pro 2013 edition. 
I was suprised how good the quality of the footage is and how clear the sound is. 

At the beginning I nedded a few trys to record the skript without any mastakes, which was actually pretty hard for me as a foreign student. 

 However in the end I managed it quite well and the most of the little mistakes I made I was able to cut out afterwards anyway. 

I edited the footage with IMovie which is actually pretty similar to Final Cut Pro 10 which i used for my opening sequence, therefore I haven't had any difficulties with the software
I decided to put a non diagetic song in the back ground just to give the video a bit of a touch, the song i have chosen is quite dark so its possible to associate it with a thriller movie. 
The song is called: 
Robot Koch & Delhia de france - Califronia dreaming.

Currently I add all the evaluation questions i produced so far together in one timeline so I'am able to upload all of them at once later on. 
I did this whit Quick time player i just recorded the screen while I was going through my powerpoint, powtoon usw, and after that I recorded my voice and presentet what i had written in the questions. After that I put all the clips I had together in one event in IMovie. 


Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

Producing Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, developed or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

For question one i decided to write a blog post in combination with a PowToon presentation. I think the combination of Text and a lot of information in the blog post in combination with the PowToon presentation which has a lot of funny features and movement in it goes pretty good together.

On the Picture above you are able to see my work on the PowToon presentation. 
PowToon is a Web-based animation software that allows users to create animated presentations by manipulating pre created objects, imported images, provided music and user created voice overs. 

I personally really enjoyed working with PowToon it is easy to use and the free version of the application brings already enough features to create a decent presentation.

But now to the blog post it is nothing to special it's a normal post about the question one. 

One problem i have faced during the process of producing the question is that my blog post got deleted once half way through, which was pretty annoying because i had to do all the work twice and that was time consuming.