Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

Opening Sequence James Bond Skyfall

I Watched a lot of Opening Sequences at The Art Of The Titel
and i was inspired by a few 

James Bond Skyfall

I have to say that i always liked the James Bond Opening Sequences they are very special and nice to watch in my opinion.

The beginning of the Opening Sequence

James Bond (Daniel Craig) is falling in the water
and the music drops in.

On this image we can see that James Bond is
Shot that could be a clue for what happens 
in the movie 

Now we see a hand grab Bonds hand

We can see the first text in the opening sequence here
it usually the producer, director or the company
which has produced the movie.

The second text is normally the main/star actor
in the movie
Danie Craig in this one 

He sinks to the ground of the ocean and suddenly 
a hole appears in the ground of the ocean

Now he falls through the hole.

 Now the Titel of the film appears on the screen in
Capital letters

 Now the Names of the different actors in the
movie are shown

Now we have again a James bond target 
which is shot and blood is leaking out of 
his chest 

 Women are always a part of James Bond 
Opening Sequences. That one could be a allusion
to the Bond girl  

The camera goes down her body to make the 
illusion of sex appeal

Now we are at the ground of the ocean 

There i a new location now 
its a cemetery

Why have they chosen a cemetery? 
i think they have chosen it because 
dead an murder a always parts of 
an James Bond movie and we just 
associate cemetery's with dead.

 Now we have big color chance from blue to red

And a complete new theme
We have a new theme now everything is red 
and it looks like we are in a forest with red fog

 Zoom-in to James Bonds eye starts

 Now we have an extreme Close-up of

 James Bonds eye and the camera
goes "through" his eye into the next
part of the opening sequence.

 In the Next Frame we now have more names 
on the screen i think now are all the 
people shown who worked at the movie
(camera,make-up,light stuff like that)

James Bond is now in alone in dark catacombs

it looks like he is searching for somebody
he is probably looking for his enemies.

He is hunting is own shadows 

Than somebody appears behind him

and shots have been fired 

The camera moves through one of the 
bullet holes and we are in the next part again 
 Now we are at a new "location" 
the theme of the background changes valued all 
30 second. Some of the different background are 
in context with the Storyline in the movie

Its underwater again now but this time we have 
the red fog underwater as well 
and it has the shape of a skull

 Now we have a women again how I've earlier
mentioned women are always an important role 
i the James Bond movies.
But that women holds a gun in her hand and thats
something that is associated with James Bond

The camera moves through the hole in the gun 
and its a new theme again 

There are a lot of burning James Bond
targets now 

I recognized that in the entire opening 
sequence everything and everybody try's
to kill Bond
I think that could be a allusion to what 
happens to him in the movie.

 New theme of the background again and that one 
is chosen in connection with the part of the movie 
that is filmed in china because a lot of people 
associate china with dragons. 

 Now we have a complete color switch again to
Black and withe 

We have a women again 
Next to the women a guns and other weapons
so we have a few things here a again which 
are associated with James Bond

 Here we still have names of the person which 
worked on the movie 

In my opinion we have a very interesting 
theme here with the abstract figures 

Now we have a skull again
so the producers are giving us a few clues 
that there is a lot of dead in the movie

There is another cemetery

On that cemetery is a new excavated grave

Aerial shot of James Bond

We are in a room with a lot of mirrors 

James Bond shoots himself in the mirror 

Now we are in the catacombs again

Here is James Bond shot again

 I noticed that after every theme there is a close-up
to something for example James Bonds eye or 
a hole in a wall how we can see above and than 
the Camera goes throw that hole and we are in a 
new location or different theme 

We are on the cemetery again 
and its raining stones

Now we have a Zoom-in to his eye again 

Still a Zoom-in to James Bond eye 

 Thats the end of the sequence the camera goes

"through" his eye and we are starting in the movie 
Now in the last frame we have the name of the Director 
Sam Mendes

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