Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

Other Media Products Which Inspired Me

Drake: Hold On We're Going Home

The music video too Drakes Hold on we're Going Home inspired me because of the good camera work in it and i really like the
slow-motion elements in it. 

The Walking Dead

Is one of the Best TV-Series of all time in my opinion. 
In The Walking Dead the Mise-en-scence inspired me the most, because of all the different locations and settings but the main point is definitely the Make Up and Costume. I mean all the Zombies in the series are painted and they look so realistic.

In the last couple of days I've started to watch a lot of thriller movies and series and various music videos to improve my knowledge about the entire Cutting, Mise-en-sence and Opening Sequence stuff.
So the 2 points above are my inspiration from other media so far 
but i think in the next few days i will find a lot more.

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