Dienstag, 25. November 2014


Sound is one of the most important features in a thriller movie it can produce Tension, fear , dead and a lot more.
In the opening sequence we are going to produce is literally no sound so we have to create the points from above with music.
But now back to Sound underneith i will list a few of the most impotant types of sound.

Diegetic Sound: Sound that comes from a person or object in the world of the movie and seen within the field of vision.

Ambient Sound: Background sound belonging to the diegesis but not always in the field of vision.

Non-diegetic sound: Sound the comes from nothing within the field of vision and has ben added in afterwards in the editing process.

Synchronous sound: Where the sound is synchronised with the object emiting that sound.

Asynchronous sound: This is where the sound track is deliberatley out of sync with what we see.

Sound effects: Sounds added to the visuals in editing. They may be naturalistic.
e.g: the sound of traffic outside the window added to a shot filmed in a studio

Dialogue: The sound made by characters talking to each other. Sometimes this is re-recorded in a studio with the actors attempting to lip-sync to the footage: this is called foley recording.

This video illustrates how important the right choice of music is:

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