Montag, 10. November 2014


We started to produce our storyboard a couple of days ago 
so the main part of planning our thriller movie is now accomplished.
In my opinion we had a lot of decent ideas what sort of shots we are going to use and which features we would like to have in our movie. 
I have to say that i really enjoy the work with my partner at our movie, and I'm looking forward to our final piece but now back to the Storyboard.

First we discussed what sort of movie we both want to produce and we ended up with the idea of a psycho-thriller.
Its about a psychopath that really enjoys to kill people and we are going to illustrate that with a couple of flashbacks to his older killings. 
But the main happening is the process of the psychopath killing one of his victims.

At first we draw our storyboard but because of the quality drawings we decided to design it again at the computer.

 Well thats our final storyboard its kinda like a comic and its shows what is going to happen panel for panel. 
It should be a good help for use when we are going to film our movie so we can easy remember everything we want to have in our sequence.
At the beginning of producing our storyboard we had a lot of dialog in our sequence but with moving on in our planing an with watching a lot of example movies we decided to remove literally all the dialogues in the sequence just to keep it nice and flowing.

At the end i can say that i think we have used quite a lot of shots and that it should be interesting to finally start to film our movie and I'm really looking forward to that part now!
Too be honest we might change a few shots during the process of filming because there may be better ones.
We have planned to film every scene between 6PM-10PM so literally all of them are going to be in the dark with a very dark atmosphere. 

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